Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Ideas for today - 7 Sep 2016

  1. No one seems to be selling Indian mythological action figures. I don't know why. Kids these days have insatiable appetite for toys/action figures. All the men - spider,super,iron,bat and others are all over the place and kids are more or less done with them.  Indian mythic figures will also lend themselves to very inventive and innovative action figures. Ravan with 10 heads, Ganesha with elephant trunk, Chamundi with her impressive arsenal and a severed head in her hand etc. It's an idea waiting to be tapped.
  2. Funny videos for learning language A for people who already know language B - Suppose I know Hindi. I would have definitely heard a popular Hindi song. Let's say - My name is Lakhan. And I want to learn Kannada. In a YouTube video, 2 guys will take turns to sing the same song - one in Hindi and the other in Kannada. Hindi guy : One, two ka four. Four, two ka one. My name is Lakhan. My name is Lakhan. Kannada guy : Ondhu, eradu, naalku. Naalku, eradu, ondhu. Naan hesaru Lakhan. Naan hesaru Lakhan.
  3. A Bengaluru sewage drain is not a sewage drain - it's a biodiversity hotspot.
  4. Android phones should have ability to link specific Google accounts to specific apps. As of now if I sign in with a gmail id it's accessible across Gmail,Maps,Photos,YouTube etc. I would prefer it if I could restrict its usage to only YouTube for e.g. So if I sign in with my google account on my girlfriend's phone she should be able to see my private videos on YouTube but not check my mail.

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