Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tehelka loves Congress(Or fears BJP?)

No one needs reminding on how Tehelka has conducted one sting operation after another on BJP. The Defense Expose and The Gujarat Sting Operation are the 2 examples that spring to mind immediately. And today when Assam is literally burning - Tehelka is mute. It's amazing. No shrill shrieks. No In Depth Analyses from the FREE, FAIR, FEARLESS Tehelka. Tehelka's coverage of Assam riots is conspicuous by its absence. Even the Mumbai violence that followed the Assam riots wasn't able to wake Tehelka up?

Let Assam burn. Let Bangladeshis run amok in Kokrajhar. Tehelka would rather busy itself blasting Chetan Bhagat,Baba Ramdev and casting doubts on Team Anna. Sure, that's way more important and easier than to be seen speaking in the same voice as BJP. It's better to keep BJP out of the power as it may open up cases of Income Tax violation against Mr. Tarun Tejpal. What's the point in being free,fair and fearless when their own survival is at stake.

Way to go Tehelka.... You Rock !

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