Saturday, October 08, 2011

Flipkart TV Ads : For Whom?

For quite some time Flipkart has been doing TV advertisements now.
I recollect 2 of them. One about an old granny with a mouse to order books.
Another about 2 cool dudes chatting about ordering an MP3 player online.

Both of them seem to be targeted at English Speaking audience which has
interest in their humoros ads. I find it a bit strange.

Flipkart already has some brand awareness among the English speaking junta,
the kind which will be able to understand their offbeat ads. I have personally
watched these ads with people - decently educated, who wouldn't mind a bit
if they couldn't understand even 1% of the ad and would gladly watch MTV Roadies
with full enthusiasm.

Now, don't underestimate people who watch MTV Roadies :-) Most of them would
happily and already do buy stuff that Flipkart is selling - but from other sources.

Not to speak of the parents who actually call the shots in many families about what
and how to buy stuff for their kids - including books/gadgets and TV/Washing machines.

So, why can't they simply have ads in Hindi - with someone saying

Flipkart पर खरीदिये सबसे सस्ती किताबें और लैपटॉप !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you happy now - with the "Shopping ka naya address" ads?