Monday, September 27, 2010

Excerpts from Imagining India

1. A Kerala communist leader E.M.S. Namboodaripad once told the sociologist
Andre Beteille that caste was irrelevant, and was 'an obsession of American
sociologists who come to study India'.

2. In India, we don't entrust our city councils with enough power. 
As a result, our cities are in a complete mess. Urban development
was always seen to be taking place at the cost of rural development.
It's obvious in the fact that in Indian cities, we don't know the names
of our mayors, since none of them has ever been famous. Unlike in
the west, where Mayor Giulani(NY), Mayor Bloomberg(NY) or 
Mayor Livingstone(London) are world known figures. 

3. Our feudal structures are still pretty much intact since our
freedom came without any big-time violence. We attained
freedom from British, not our feudal lords. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sauvik Chakraverti in his blog

have so many post about local government and why lack of it is failing our cities.